Leading From Your Own Dysfunction

Normalcy in leadership patterns or behaviors are often exhibited in default mode- separated from appropriate training or mentorship. Human behavior is driven by outside influencers and often, without our realizing, the effect of these influencers (Schwartz & Ariely, 2016). Additionally, Radoviciu (2011) explains human behavior is shaped throughout one’s life as experiences and exposure to incidents take place. Behavior is learned phenomena and the depth of what has been learned forms our perceptions, attitudes, and reasons for how we conduct life choices. This writer posits that unresolved intrapersonal conflict (conflict within the individual) issues are direct contributors to learned behavior patterns that yield ineffective leadership outcomes. When intrapersonal conflict is left unattended, evidence such as flawed character traits, low skills, and miss-guided approaches to leadership are factors, a leader’s ability to self-correct is hindered (Cote, 2017).
Make certain that you are not leading others from your own dysfunction. Think about it.
Cote, R. (2017). Vision of effective leadership. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 14(4), 52-63. Retrieved from https://search-proquiest-com.library.capella.edu/docivew/1994860662/accountid=27965
Radoviciu, R. (2011). The behavior of healthcare services consumer. The Proceedings of the International Conference “Marketing – from information to Decision”: 389-399. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/1223966235?accountid=27965
Schwartz, J. A., & Ariely, D. (2016). Life is a battlefield. The Independent Review, 20(3), 377-382. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/1757073354?accountid=27965